North Cliffs Cemetery
This year we have shifted our attention to a smaller necropolis at the base of the cliffs near the North Tombs. It lies just below the Tomb of Panehesy, one of the most important officials in the Aten cult. The cemetery is badly robbed but still full of research potential. Who was buried here? Where did they live at Akhetaten? Why were they interred in a separate cemetery? And how do their graves and skeletons compare to others so far excavated at Amarna? These questions – and many others – are helping shape our work.
So far, it is clear that the site is a burial ground for a mixed population of adults and children, who are again buried mostly in matting coffins and with occasional, simple burial goods such as faience jewellery and pottery vessels. The graves opened so far usually contain just one individual. The cemetery is much closer in character to the South Tombs Cemetery than the very unusual North Tombs Cemetery. It is tempting to identify it as a burial ground used by people living in the North Suburb, although this must remain speculation for now. |