If the knot Tit is the symbol of Isis, the pillar Ged is of his spouse Osiris; Moreover,…
Pr-nq, House of Life: a little known institution in the current culture of those who are interested…
There’s probably no another ritual of the Ancient Egyptian civilization best known and widespread than that of the…
Illustrated books always express a certain charm and every self-respecting bookshop should have a good selection. But this…
The owner of the TT78 Theban tomb is called Horemheb Horemheb (Hrw-m-h3b, Hr-m-hb, Heremheb, Horemhab, Haremhab, “Horus is…
Despite its novel appearance, the Great Aten Temple remained firmly within theEgyptian tradition of placing offerings of food…
The informal texts written on the ostraka are usually documents that give us more information about daily life…
Manetho, the Egyptian historian, who lived in the Ptolemaic era, is the main source of information on the…
In ancient Egypt only the pharaoh could talk with the deities and the human and divine world. He…
Among the beautiful buildings and the verdant gardens of the new city, Akhenaton, a man of about twenty-two,…
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